Email - POP3_SMTP > List Messagesでメールを取得したところ、
送信したメールの件名にスペースが追加されてしまいました。 長い文字数の件名の場合に発生するようです。 SUPPORTに問い合わせたところ、開発チームでも再現されたと伺いました。 今後もメールの件名の長さは制限できない場合があり、長い件名でも取得できるよう改善いただきたいです。
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In processor workspace, under Preferences > Attachments, which manages the opening of attachments, such as "When I open work items, automatically open all related attachments" . Enhancement request to add ability to manage the closing of attachments, such as "When I close work items, automatically close all related attachments"
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Per Microcrosotf recommendation that Azure AD join should be the first choice for new devices, we have deployed new machines to our RPA team, Microsoft indicates that SSO to on-premise resources (like Blue Prism) can still authenticate. These machines are currently not able to SSO into BluePrism [Sign in usng ActiveDirectory button is not present], after working with the BP support team it was indicated that BluePrism is looking for the domain once is executed and not finding the Azure AD machine in the domain. type -AssemblyName System.DirectoryServices $domain=[System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.Domain]::GetComputerDomain() Write-Host "Current Domain: $($domain.Name)" We need the BP app to be more flexible as more and more companies are moving towards Azure AD joined machines.
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I would like to have a new action stage, to be shown in the stage choice panel on the left side in Studio. You can call it whatever you like, but I'd like the new stage to be definable by the developer. For the fun of it, we could call it a Tiny Template. The new 'Tiny Template' stage would contain a stage, or a block of stages that are regularly used by the developer. Choosing the new stage would imply that the block of stages will be dragged into the page the developer is currently working on, in the same manner as the single stages that we have today. The new customizable 'Tiny Template' stage can be defined once by the developer and will remain accessible within BP Studio until its definition is changed by the developer. The 'Tiny Template' definition will be saved so it can be used again at any later time Studio is used. Why would this be practical? Lemme give y'all an example: When I'm testing new or modified parts of a process or object, stuff tends to crash. This is ok as it indicates where efforts for error handling are required. In order not to let any of these small crashes lead me back to to the Main Page, or wherever it bubbles up to, I usually add a temporary recover-resume-note block on the page. This will catch any errors and remain on the page I'm working on. When I move my work to the next page, I move or copy the block along with me to the net page. When all is done, I remove the blocks as not to permanently disturb the process flow. In the example above, I'd define my 'Tiny Template' as a recover-resume-note block and deploy it in every page I need it. Happy coding! ---------------- Paul Sweden
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Currently, to autoincrement a counter variable that adds +1 (typically) on every loop round, a separate calculation stage is needed plus a variable to hold a counter data. My suggestion is to integrate
autoincrement function into a loop (checkbox to trigger the feature on/off per loop)
in case autoincrement functionality is used
a placeholder for a name of counter variable (datatype : number)
button next the counter variable name to create a stage that holds counter variable
a placeholder for a base value (typically 0 or 1)
This is mostly a QoL enhancement.
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We're currently at BP6.5.4 and in the process of migrating to BP6.10.5. For this migration we get to verify all our processes in 6.10 prior to go live in 6.10. While doing so I cannot help but notice that some of the screens where in 6.5 an escape was handled as a Cancel, for the same form in 6.10, the escape is no longer Cancel and I have to divert from using the keyboard to using the mouse. While this may seem trivial to some, any change away from the mouse is welcome in my view. Specially if you're doing this full-time. Example: Try the calculation stage properties and press escape - it will Cancel. Now press button 'Evaluate Expression' on the calculation stage properties and press escape - it will not Cancel in 6.10, but will Cancel in 6.5. There are more screens that have similar changes in behavior. In my view as a user of BP and as a software developer, similar forms should always have similar behavior. Any given property form should always behave as any other property form of similar type and function. I can add that the same goes for a screen that in 6.5 did not react to an Enter, but in 6.10, the Enter is interpreted as the Ok button. This I call progress, and I would like to see more of this. We're still at 6.10, but no doubt one day we will see the lights of BP7. I do hope that we by then are presented with a consistent way to blend mouse clicks and keyboard strikes each leading to the same and predictable result. Happy coding! --------------- Paul Sweden
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We would like to ability to save a communication email attachment filename on the source object aimiliar to an uploaded file.
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In CS0015953, Lincoln is requesting the following as an enhancement:
Some of our users are receiving a Snowbound -1 error when they attempt to view images. SS&C instructed us to change the Java Max Heap size to 512m in the contentviewer.bat to prevent the issue. However, the bat file is specific to the user and gets overlaid frequently. Please update the Content Viewer to default the Java Max Heap size to 512m.
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This idea is related to feedback received by our executive staff regarding the HUB/Interact authentication landing page. Users are finding the authentication landing screen confusing specifically the picture of the doorway. In many cases, we have been advised that users were unsure where they landed and if they were in the correct website for Interact. We would like the ability to add branding to clearly communicate that the site is for HUB/Interact and allow customer/company branding to prevent user confusion.
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Hello, after spying an element and adjusting the paramaters one wants to use the highlight option to verify the element. I suggest adding a posibillity of delayed hightlight which would mean the App modeler starts looking for the element after i.e. 10 seconds. Why we need this: For some elements like item at dropdown list it is extremely difficult to use normal highlight. I get "no element found" because you need to perform a click or two to make the element present and the app modeler gives up sooner than that. Just to be clear I'm not suggesting to replace the standard highlight, just to add this as an extra option.
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My client feedback on the Comment box of the Processor workspace is too short, suggest to enlarge the comment box so that it is easier for user to enter multiple lines.
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Have the ability to customize the bubbles to different LOB fields. The bubbles that are set right now are for the Process Step and the Status. The Status isn't used a lot in our processes but the queue would be very valuable to see. Would also like to have it in all caps/uppercase like the other fields. All information in our taglines are in caps/uppercase and it would look better if it matched or could be adjusted.
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Please add functionality to worklist to move assigned suspended items to the bottom. Also, add functionality to be able to view only suspended or non suspended items in worklist.
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12:03 PM
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12:03 PM
Right now, BP does not have trigger-based run features, which are much needed in automation. This is something that can be added in the BP, as there is no native trigger-based mechanism. It is much needed and useful in many use cases where users don't want to keep polling and occupying licenses.
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When debugging in Process Studio (or Object Studio), it's rather tedious to go to the debug speed toolbar button, open it and drag the speed slider to a new position. It would be great to have a keyboard shortcut (e.g. CTRL+ and CTRL-) to speed up or slow down.
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The idea is to have a list of weekdays (Mon-Sun) to select from when specifying the time plan for a Schedule. This way it is easy to let a Schedule run eg every Mon, Wed of a week. This is an enhanced version of the current 'weekly' time plan, where only one day can be selected. Currently (BP v6.9 for us) there are two options to achieve several runs on different weekdays: - create weekly schedule and duplicate for each weekday - create a new calendar and select the wanted weekdays only Both ways are not very intuitive and more difficult to maintain
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Hi, Recently I forgot my password for Blue Prism Trial Edition product. But there is no direct option to reset password from product itself. It will be really helpful to provide this feature. Thanks. Amin Patel
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Blue Prism should include recommended Process/object templates when we do fresh installation of blue prism. So that Users/Entry level developers will understand how a process should be designed. Other Vendors has already these type of templates eg. Background process Template, Robotic Enterprise Framework. It would be great, if blue prism provides these similar templates as per their standards.
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Hi Team, Scenario: The bot is throwing a warning message if the particular task exceeds warning threshold. After that we are unable to stop or terminate the session. The bot will stuck completely. We manually login to the bot VM's and terminate session. Moreover the warning status is not updated in session info table in the BP database. Please try to add the warning status in the session info table and we can delete the session from the back end. We tried all the work around and no luck on this issue. Its a maintenance overhead for bot controller. This is the reoccurring problem since I start using blue prism from 2016. Please fix the issue in next release.
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