During the import process, there should be a warning if an existing object, selected to be replaced, is located in a different group. If a release is created (in dev) with an object (object1) located in a certain group (group1) and this release is imported into another environment (test), a new object will appear (group1/object1). Now create a new group (group2) in the dev environment and move the existing object (object1) there. (=group2/object1). Create a new release with the existing object again and import it into test environment. The result is there are now two objects: group1/object1 group2/object1 Now it is not possible say if those names are references to one object or if there are two independent objects. It would be nice to know at time of import a new reference is created.
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Under Consideration
Submitted on
03:43 AM
Submitted by
03:43 AM
Suggest to add the features in Decipher to allow extract the whole document image from Decipher back to Blue Prism. Current Decipher features: Decipher server storage is storing the image by page. It means when a document contain 3 pages, Decipher store it as 3 image file (store by page). Desired future state : Get the whole document image from Decipher back to Blueprism. It means when user split document/ burst document in Decipher, it allow to retrieve the latest whole document image back to Blue Prism. For example,
1. Document A, 3 pages
2. Document B, 2 pages split into 2 documents, each document contain 1 page.
- document B, 1 page - document C, 1 page
When retrieve the whole document from Decipher web to Blue Prism, able to get below - file 1, document A, 3 pages - file 2, document B, 1 page - file 3, document C, 1 page
The purpose is to archiving the document image for each SAP posted/ park document. Business makes use of the archive document for...
1. record retention/ audit purpose
2. local regulatory request to verified soft copy of invoice (Europe)
3. local regulatory request to provide soft copy of invoice for payment process.
We do have a program which allow business to mass download SAP archive document image to support above activities Thanks!
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Currently, we only have the option to copy Item key from the control room. We can add Item ID copy as well directly from the control room. Many times during debugging we need Item ID of the locked item and if this feature allows we can copy Item ID direclty from the control room itself instead of using VBO.
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It will be good if users has a chance to change the priority of cases in a queue from the control room. Currently as we do not have this feature, we are always forced to do a debug run to achieve the necessary results. Thanks,
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Element attributes beginning with "Parent …" allow an identification of elements by considering their context. Unfortunately a rather simple but insecure method of generating this attribute's value has been implemented ("Parent Window Title" in this example): all window titles of all elements that are direct ancestors are baked into a single string, separated by just a space character. If an application has 3 windows with one window being a child to the root window and another window being a child to the child window, the "Parent Window Title" value for the "child-child" window will be something like "SubChildWindow ChildWindow RootWindow <UNKNOWN>". These issues will come with this implementation: 1. Space character can't be used as separators between window titles as window titles often contain spaces themselves. This way it is not possible to separate the window titles anymore. Also, BP seems to just concatenate the titles with additional spaces, resulting in values that have 2 space characters as separators. Hardly anything but wildcards can be used on something like that, which again results in a very unprecise matching. I suggest that a standardized format is used instead of just adding everything to this string and randomly putting spaces between it. 2. adding "<UNKNOWN>" to this string if the window title could not be determined is insecure as this could be interpreted as a real window title. Instead, another solution should be choosen to mark an unreadable title.
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Submitted on
06:01 AM
Submitted by
06:01 AM
Please add Arabic as one of the languages that Tesseract OCR can recognize.
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The option to pin data items so their values remain on screen while the process runs would be great. Maybe a ribbon somewhere could contain these so they're always visible. Having to pause a process then potentially change pages and or scroll to find the current value of a data item is wasted time. The ribbon could be able to be pinned so it could be closed when not needed.
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Allow security to be driven by Work Step in a Process – When defining a process, it is very easy for management to see the user tasks, and think in terms of ‘who should work items in that step.’ It would be very beneficial if work types associated to processes were governed by a security paradigm that was based on the step, as opposed to BA/WT/STAT/QUEUE
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Currently it is possible to create several references to the same object (process and VBO) resulting in having to 'names' in different locations in the tree view. Following example assume there is one object (process or VBO) XML that is referenced by two names, objectA and objectB This causes several issues:
objectA is in a restricted group preventing any modification but it is still possible to import objectB to another group and will allow to change the XML by changing objectB although this should be prevented by restrictions on objectA. This is a security hole.
It is not obvious if or how many references exist to one object XML. Applying 'delete object' action on one reference actually deletes the XML and all depending references. Deletion of objectA also deletes objectB without warning.
Creating a release adds all references to an object and will be imported accordingly, messing up organization by groups. Assuming objectA is in group projectA and there is this other reference objectB in group projectB. If I create a release for projectA and add the objects from this group into a release, also the other references are added from group projectB. When importing the release for projectA there will also a group created named projectB
There is no distinction if there are X references or if there is only one reference to an object XML. So it is possible to remove a reference to an object in tree view making it inaccessible, although the XML is still in DB.
It is not obvious when a reference is created. For example objectA is exported. Afterwards the objects is relocated to another group and renamed to objectB. The previous export of objectA is imported again which results in having two references to the same object. There will be notification if the object should be replaced during the import but the replacement only refers to the XML but not to the references/names.
In contrast I cannot think of any case to have references to the same object.
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There are dozens of Excel functions that are not included in BP out-of-the-box but can be added with the use of a simple enumerator in the code. For example 'Save as CSV' changes wb.SaveAs(filename) to wb.SaveAs(filename,6) Explode the number of actions available to users by including these enumerators as variables in the interface or passing the variable to the action OOTB - rather than forcing users to re-code the VBO statements individually.
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Not Planned
Submitted on
10:19 PM
Submitted by
10:19 PM
Hi All, As we all know, most of the question or discussions raised by fellow community members are already present in the pool of answers. It would be great of we can have a dedicated section in community portal for frequently asked questions (ordering learning edition, resetting login password etc..)so that any one can look for their answers here as a first preference instead of posting a fresh thread. They can post a new thread if dont find their required inputs/resolution.
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Currently we are using BP Data Gateway to extract Dashboard data into Power BI, which is working fine. We are now looking to send following information to Power BI so that we can generate a report : Queue Name, Exception Name, Exception Count This does not map well with BP Dashboard and it feels like this should be possible to do via Gateway.
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Not Planned
Submitted on
02:55 PM
Submitted by
02:55 PM
For the content on the Digital Exchange which is merely a link to an external source - such as to github - it would be nice to remove the login requirements, as it is merely an extra annoying step to get to something that is already open to the public.
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I would like to be able to see the number of successful cases worked and the number of exceptions raised against each session in the control room. This would make it easier to monitor from an Admin point of view - rather than having to check each queue for new additions, or have emails on completion telling me how many of each has been done, I can just look in the control room, see it's completed and the summary of cases worked.
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While opening Excel or while while reading any file we need pass Full file name and path. If Blue prism provides an option to select the file from that folder so that it can take the path and file name automatically after selecting the file. What i mean to say a pop up window should appear like save as window and we should select the file directly from there instead copy the file path and name.
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Needs More Info
Submitted on
03:14 AM
Submitted by
03:14 AM
I divide up posted idea about visually impaired engineers. I want to bring up the idea of Blue Prism's UI in this post. I hope that the UI of Blue Prism can perform all operations with shortcut keys. The visually impaired engineer will more actively participate in developing if it comes true.
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We have noticed that the LAM templates provided in the Blue Prism Portal in the documentation area feature quite different roles than are preconfigured in the Blue Prism software itself. This doesn't make any sense at all. When creating a LAM for an organization and planning it with the template, you will afterwards have to adjust all the technical roles in Blue Prism itself so they fit the LAM template. It is not just that the access rights of the roles differ between the template and the software - there are completely different roles! This means a lot of extra work and just doesn't make sense. Please consider aligning the template with the reality in the software in the future. Template Reality in the software
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Currently, security events such as logins, invalid passwords etc are stored disparately within the Chorus database and log files. It would be beneficial for these event types to be able to be streamed from Chorus to systems such as Kafka. Event types (not exhaustive) are:
Failed logon attempts
Password changes
Account creation & deletions
Account (un)lock & disables
Security group changes
The benefit of this would be that the events can be combined with data from surrounding/integrated systems to provide a more complete security picture in SIEM applications to flag security events such as breaches, unauthorised access etc., which would then enable a forensic record of all security events.
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Change way of getting values from BPA EnvironmentVar All values are requested from this table when environment variables are in usage. It will be better if values which are used in certain process will be requested only
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