Whilst upgrading between BluePrism versions we noticed that a locked environment lock never got released due to the process getting stuck and not stopping as expected before the operation commenced. This meant, the lock got carried over to upgraded version in the database but not visible in the front UI screens, which prevented lock with similar name getting acquired by the process. A simple query to reset the value to NULL in respective fields on BPAEnvLock table would ensure a clean upgrade and avert such issues.
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Set Next stage is something highly used menu item. Why don't we move it to title bar somewhere, because current UI we have a lot of empty space there to put important option directly on title and header area. Every time performing right click, find option, scroll to bottom and there the most useful button SetNextStage is. So hope this is taken under consideration .
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In BluePrism I feel a need of button which can take screen focus to current active stage (Yellow Color). I particularly feel need of this button on large project which uses large canvas size, so while I am testing it step by step and move to other area(to check value of data item) I can go back to current active stage once I click that button.
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The application manager offers two attributes after spying an SAP-element: - ComponentType - ID When setting the match type to "Wildcard", Blue Prism cannot find the element. So wildcard search seems not to work here. It would be great if wildcards are also available for SAP elements as this would reduce the need for custom built solutions where the complete ID is not know in advance. In addition to this it should be possible for read-stages to have a "Get ID"-option. When you combine both, we could do the following: - Set the attribute ID in application manager to dynamic - insert a read stage, set the ID parameter to wildcard und put in the parts you know - use the new "Get ID" option to get the complete id For further processing the ID could be cached in a data item und nomore wildcard search is needed because the ID is already known.
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The dependency functionality introduced from V5 is great as it's accessible from the object, process and package level. From a process perspective, you can see object, environment variable, calendar, credential dependency but there is no option to view subprocesses.This is a real hassle when migrating a process that has a number of subprocesses from one BP version to the other.
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Having recently migrated some processes from V4.2 to v6.5, I discovered there was a real need for a migration tool. To buttress my point, the migration tool will 1. Automatically migrate all processes, objects, environments and other assets without any manual intervention. The only manual intervention will be to trigger the tool (.exe). We had over 100+ processes in v4.2 and moving across to the new environment was a real pain 2. Compare the versions of assets(process, env variables) if they already exist in the target environment. Technically, our strategy was to keep two environments running currently and any migration failure experienced in v6 will result in roll back changes and back to V4. After migration, some shared objects were amended in V4 by other developers, That automatically left both environments out of sync and sometimes, the new asset isn't moved over to V6.4. 3. Automatically takes a snapshot of all assets by automatically associating dependencies with processes and creating releases. I know my comments sound ambitious but this will alleviate some of the laborious tasks with respect to migration.
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At this moment there is no possibility to segregate users in Decipher based on some restrictions. Therefore all business users created in Decipher can see all documents. This is not sufficient for certain confidential documents. The requirement would be - more granular user permissions based around Document Types.
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Blue Prism exclusively restrict access for importing or exporting the objects and processes under User Roles level.
It does not restrict access from importing or exporting the objects and processes under folder levels individually. We are facing multiple issues with this limitation that we can't restirct the import access rights at folder level. Example: Developers should be allowed to import process specific objects or processes only. They should not be allowed to import reusable objects/Processes/VBO's
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Since developers should spend time to create Environment Variable descriptions in Control when they are defined (and/or updated) - it would be helpful if that definition was pulled into Data Item stages once the Environment Variable is selected in the Data Item stage. This would reduce the number of times developers must describe Environment Variables when a definition already exists in Control.
The description could be carried in as editable text in case a developer wants to edit or augment the description if required to make their logic clearer.
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I think it would be useful to be able to validate the schema of work queue items before they get added to a work queue. My thought is an XSD validation string or or some such mechanism could be associated with the work queue. The Add to Queue action could use it to validate that the data being added to the queue is valid before proceeding. The advantage of this is that processes that use the work queue would be able to safely assume that any data entered into the queue is valid. Further, it would mean that exceptions due to invalid data would happen at the time that data is being added to the queue, as opposed to when the data is being read from the queue. On a practical level, this may not happen often since users should be testing what data is being added into queues before going live with it. However, this would still be a gain because it would be one less thing that you have to think about while building processes.
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Open JDK is OSS alternative to Oracle and might be used in future more often because of Oracle license strategy. Although Open JDK should be equivalent to Oracle JDK it is still an independent mirror of Oracle JDK and features could differ to some degree. One difference we noticed right away is the absence of WindowsAccessBridge DLL in Windows directories. Although this DLL is located in JRE directory, and might be found following Java Path. Verification of Blue Prism against Open JDK would be appreciated. Or at least to search DLL in JRE directory.
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Noticed a major difference regarding saving in BluePrism 6.9 Suddenly after saving, all my active data is removed, basically performing a full process reset, which never happened before. That is in my opinion a very bad idea as I myself like to save after every confirmed functional change, thus forcing me to either not save or to redo the actions if I am debugging something or developing actively. Is this saving behavior intentional?
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We have a large number of resources. To become more efficient we try to run multiple processes on the same resource, however it is very hard to plan accordingly if the work volume is inconsistent and the schedule ends up running long. It would be nice to have an option to choose a dependent schedule, or a "next in line" schedule that can be kicked off after a specific schedule completes. Additionally in the dependent schedule you could see what schedule is referencing that schedule. I feel this would help reduce the number of resources that may be sitting idle for periods of time in between schedules, and also prevent schedule collisions.
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03:16 PM
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03:16 PM
providing a internship is good, because engineering peoples are looking for interns, in the world engineering students are in huge amount and also training & certification is good as our company provide like that internship also better in the future.
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For huge collections, data items having large data in them when the process studio invokes any object and passes the items to object studio it makes a copy of that object in the memory space. This slows down processes where the requirement is to edit the original passed object (collection or data item) after processing it with business logic on object studio. There should be an option (in start/end stage) to pass the address reference only of large data items/collections so that object is not copied again in a different memory space. Pass by object vs pass by reference in .net Use case : process huge datasets like collection having million rows, or huge image editing. Eg: 2 copies of collection is made which consumes lot of memory is slow.
process studio
START>Action stage (call object 1, input as collection 1, output to collection1)>END
Object studio
START>CODE(takes input from collection1, data processing,output to collection2)>END(return collection2)
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I think it would be useful to show the call stack when debugging processes, similar to the Call Stack view in Visual Studio. Perhaps a pop out window next to the session log viewer, and have it continually update as the debugging session moves along. This would be useful when you need to jump around a bit while debugging, and it would also help out with folks who run into stack exceptions.
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We have found that a BOT needs use Multiple Credentials. We currently manage this by naming Convention: BOT_IGOR_AD BOT_IGOR_IVD BOT_IGOR_GMS BOT_C3PO_AD BOT_C3PO_IVD BOT_C3PO_GMS Please provide a tree view similar to studio that might look something like: - BOT_IGOR
+ AD + IVD + GMS
+ AD + IVD + GMS
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I recognize that the scheduling of "Login Agent" should be "Task (1): Login → Task (2): Business Process → Task (3) Logout". As a best practice, is it correct to "when the login process moves, if the robot is logged in with the appropriate user, execute the task (2) (Business Process) as it is, and terminate the schedule if the login is by an inappropriate user"? I think, "When the login process moves, if the robot is logged in with the wrong user, it would be nice if I could log out and log back in instead of failing the schedule itself." I would like you to consider using this as a best practice. ===== ご担当者様 Login Agentのスケジュールの設定についてですが、タスク①ログイン、タスク②業務プロセス、タスク③ログアウトとすべきかと認識しております。 ベストプラクティスとしては、『ログインプロセスが動いた際に適切なユーザーでログインしている状態であれば、そのままタスク②へ続き業務プロセスを実行する。不適切なユーザーの場合はスケジュールを終了する』というのが正しいのでしょうか。 と申しますのも、希望としては、不適切なユーザーでログインされている場合にスケジュール自体を失敗にするのではなく、ログアウトを行ってログインし直せたら良いなと思うのです。難しいでしょうか。
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Just as I update the version when the system changes, I want you to know what has changed when the contents of the ROM are updated. If there is a place where information is published collectively about the update of ROM, please let me know. ===== ご担当者様 システムのver更新だけではなく、ROMの内容が更新された場合もどこが変わったのかがわかるようにしていただきたいです。 ※まとまっている場所がございましたら、ご教示頂きたいです。
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