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When we use the Find References functionality to search all the references for object/ process, we get the list of object/processes referencing that VBO/Process, along with view option. Clicking on View will open the process in view only mode.
View only mode has restriction, that most of menu buttons are disable in this mode. If we wanted to open the process in Edit mode, we need the location of the process. It will be better either
There should be View/Update option when showing the list of references (or)
If the full path of the Process/object is displayed either in Description column or as separate column in the list, we can navigate the path and open the objects in edit mode.
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Hello Team, The idea is to have a possibility to see the description of the input parameter when the Admin executes the process in the Control Room.
For new admins and developers can be very helpful. Have a nice day.
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I should be of great help if we could start a process asynchronously from another process. I have a usecase in which I have to start a long blueprism process from another system. If I expose this process as a WebService, Blueprism will wait the process complete before responding to the other system. If the process takes a lot of minutes to complete, this will cause a timeout error to the other system. The problem could be solved if we could call another process that could start the log process and complete without waiting the subprocess to complete. In this way we could respond to the other system that the process is started and running before the timeout occours.
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As part of development best practices , we all know it's wise to deselect all attributes which were selected by default but have blank values. Having a button to deselect all such attributes with just one click would be very helpful. Otherwise we have to manually deselect such attributes for every element we spy
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I've seen an issue within interact where a radio button or select drop down with multiple choice selections and has different rules associated to each selection, the rules are not dynamic if an incorrect selection is chosen but then corrected. For examples What are of the country do you live? South East South West North East North West If South East was selected incorrectly and South West was then selected both the rules associated to each selection would appear. This means agents are having to refresh forms to avoid mistakes leading to higher handling times and issues with engagement.
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Hi Team, Scenario: The bot is throwing a warning message if the particular task exceeds warning threshold. After that we are unable to stop or terminate the session. The bot will stuck completely. We manually login to the bot VM's and terminate session. Moreover the warning status is not updated in session info table in the BP database. Please try to add the warning status in the session info table and we can delete the session from the back end. We tried all the work around and no luck on this issue. Its a maintenance overhead for bot controller. This is the reoccurring problem since I start using blue prism from 2016. Please fix the issue in next release.
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When working on your process or object in Studio, all tools you need are on the screen - tools on the left, buttons and menus on top. This is a great arrangement as long as you're developing or maintaining your processes. However, when you are testing or doing a demo, all that stuff gets in the way and limits your real-estate on the screen. You need to have access to as much space as you can. Typically, you don't want to maximize BP as other apps the process interfaces with are also on the screen. Wouldn't it be nice if you could click away the toolbar on the left and the menus on top? Customizing in style with Office, Eclipse, RDi, Visual Studio, ... - all other IDE's! Now, you might argue that if there's too much on the screen it is about time to split some of it off into new pages. Correct, I agree to that. Unfortunately, we still have to live with the legacy stuff that was made in the early BP years and we're not supposed to re-factor everything we see when we're only going to do a smal tweak to the process. Also, for a demo it would be nice to have a clean screen only displaying the process itself, without all the extra's in order not to divert the attention from what you're trying to demo.
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We run several independent BP instances to serve multiple development teams. Information about usage, status, schedule, licenses, ... is hard separated and has to be evaluated for each instance independently. It would be nice to have one common supervisor server, which at least makes meta data available conveniently. This could also serve for central license management. This could also be seen as big step towards multi tenancy.
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Currently, the fact that a process is exposed as a web service is not a part of the release package. As such, it needs to be changed manually on import to a new environment. It would be better if exposure status was stored within the .bprelease file itself, in the same way the "process published" flag is stored within the release.
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Sometimes we need to search a lot of items in a queue to set as an exception or to change the deferral date and is quite sweaty to do only one search at a time. There could be a way to search for more than one, for example, searching item keys between semicolons (;) or quotes(").
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When retiring a process there should be a warning if the process is referenced by a schedule. When using the find references function on processes the referencing schedules should be shown.
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It would be nice to have more options for scheduling. Accounting requires different schedules for different working days in the month ie. workday 2 or 4. Currently, I can only schedule on the first or last working day of the month.
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Some small enhancements would make Bluerism more user friendly. Right now when a session is in progress, unless you yourself developed the process, there is no way for someone to know if Safe stop is implemented in the flow. If it is not implemented , and you select Request stop , the session would just continue showing Stopping. I suggest having a small visual indicator to indicate if a process has it implemented in place
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In addition to the idea to group and filter environment variables the multi team approach should also be applied here with having access rights on (groups of) environment variables
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Noticed a major difference regarding saving in BluePrism 6.9 Suddenly after saving, all my active data is removed, basically performing a full process reset, which never happened before. That is in my opinion a very bad idea as I myself like to save after every confirmed functional change, thus forcing me to either not save or to redo the actions if I am debugging something or developing actively. Is this saving behavior intentional?
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Hello, My context is I'm working with application servers where there might be several clients connected to one database each, or environments big enough that might requires we add application servers to them (so as to not run into the 100 runtimes limit by AS). each environment has its own encryption scheme, and when we set up new servers we'd like to know if the encryption scheme we add in bpserver is the correct one. we have only one encryption scheme by environment, I want to be sure we have the right one, the one already in use for this environment. if I add (incorrectly) another encryption scheme, there will be no error in the client (I won't have the "unresolved key" message), the only way to know I've done something wrong is to get error when launching processes that needs authentication. I would like to get some kind of messages from within bpserver.exe when I set up the encryption scheme, like "the encryption scheme you entered is not the one currently configured on the database", or maybe at least a number of current encryption scheme available on the database. if I add my encryption scheme and I get this number to change, I'll know there's a mistake. I hope I'm clear enough 🙂 (this idea is from ticket #197378) regards, F. Tardy
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I think the BluePrism schema should be more robust handling scenarios like implementation of the data modelling changes like Historical Tables or Historical database schema concept, I have recommended in the past to change the schema design to implement historical database/table concept in the schema where the data will be moved to history database or tables periodically.
We can enable database catalog or table catalog to enable the read/write on the historical data and restrict the live data to 90 days from the current date and the optional schema should include ability to read data from the historical database/tables from the blue prism Interface. I believe BP should consider the implementation of advanced features of RDBMS.
If the above cannot be included in the primary schema as some features may not be available in SQL Express edition, however the optional schema options should be provided to the clients where the client uses MS SQL enterprise edition etc.
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Please introduce a basic functionality of session variables that can be changed in control room when process is running on a pool. Currently this is only available when session is running on runtime resource outside of the pool.
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Spy modes needs to improve for browser automation also a tree structure should appear for these as well. After spying any element we are getting set of attributes. But we don't know about lot of attributes how and where to use. But in other way way it may be more helpful if we can get guide for that. It may make our automation easier. For Example we can use real X path in Browser automation but it's nowhere mentioned. At the same time it can make easy for th all the automation. Also I found some useful options are not available in chrome automation (Browser mode), which is very helpful. At the same time all the options are available in HTML mode.
Please let me know if these features will appear n near future or if it is not there is there any specific reason.
Attached files have all the description with image.
Issue occurs is all the versions (6.3.1-6.7.1)
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Currently if a scheduled process attempts to run and no digital worker is available, the process fails. This idea is to allow a process to queue up and wait for the next available digital worker. This would maximize the use of digital workers. We currently have to schedule based on the worst case scenario of run time for each process.
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