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I would like to have the ability to have Decipher consider the option that a document may not match any document types associated with its batch, and to classify it as 'out of scope' or 'other'.
Currently if a batch type has two document types assigned to it (for example), then when it classifies a document, it splits its 100% confidence between those two types. So, if it is only 5% sure that the document matches type 1, then it is 95% sure that it matches type two by default.
If your document stream contains files that are out of scope (other forms, or photos or email attachments) and don't match any document types associated with the batch type, this can lead to false positives. It also doesn't give you anywhere to 'put' these out of scope documents other than raising them for verification.
I would like a way to indicate that a batch type contains out of scope documents and for decipher to consider matches to all known document types and if the independent confidence level for each match is below a certain threshold, the document can be classified as 'out of scope'.
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Currently, in Decipher there is no option to see the submitted batches, which can be helpful for what the user has verified and helps to understand if there is any mistake done by the verification user.
There should be a tab available in Decipher with all the submitted batches and once we click on the particular batch it should show the data as like the Data Verification screen with 3 panels for that batch with Page overview, fields, and mapped/verified data. The batches should be grouped with that specific unique identifies for the template as like if it is Purchase Order then it should have to group with the Document Type and then if the multiple PO templates from customer 'ABC' then batches has to be grouped with that customer name with the timeline of the batch.
From this we can achieve the machine learning capability of the Decipher to train that particular document type and update the way of document training through verification.
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Currently, if you want to know the location of the source file for data you get back from decipher, the only way to do it is to push single document batches and add the filename and location in the batch metadata. I'd like to add metadata at the document level (or at the least track the source file location through decipher so it comes back out the other end into Blue Prism.
This is useful for anyone who needs to manipulate the source file based on the result of the classification or data extraction.
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Raising this enhancement to get option to export Decipher Audit Logs into any file format. from Web Portal
We are using Decipher v2.3 for BP 7.1.1 Environment.
We require to save the Audit logs into our security system for auditing purpose. Decipher v2.3 does not have option to export the logs and we are only able to view the logs on the Decipher Web Portal.
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Most of the steps carried out during installation and configuration of BP server can be scripted.
This seems to allow scripting a complete upgrade of to another BP version. What is missing though is the possibility to specify the encryption key in server configuration. eg /encryptionscheme <name><enctyptionmethod>
It is essential to use the same encryption key as used in the previous installation otherwise already encrypted data in DB cannot be read anymore.
It is possible via UI here:
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We are getting more and more HEIC files and CV doesnt' have the capability to open this files or allows the option to open in the native app. We need CV to open HEIC files to eliminate the need to add another extension and/or open the files outside of CV.
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The ability to add fields and make them mandatory to the save screen when saving a Process or an Object.
We are using Devops to build Stories, record bugs and add new development tasks. Would really like every change in a process or object to be tied back to Devops,
Currently we are writing the bug number in the comment but would it be possible in the future to be able to customise the save screen so that we can force developers to record certain information
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Our printserver service occassionally fails, causing documents to be manually printed from the Communications error queue. The JVM Heap Size is at a max of 1 GB. To increase it to 2GB, we need a 64-bit JVM. However, the current printserver service only allows for a 32-bit JVM.
We would like the printserver service for 64-bit JVM so that we can have an increased JVM Heap size so that the printserver service does not fail
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Currently Blue Prism WSDL import only supports primitive data types.
If a WSDL/XSD contains groups the result is methods without input/output parameters. I have uploaded example WSDL, XSD files.
As a consumer of the service I have no authority to have the service modified to flatten input/output parameter structure. It should just import and work.
This forces the use of HTTP VBO to create custom service.
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Once a new process has been created with its objects and it is then being set up to go live; the next steps feel fiddly.
My idea is to allow the schedule, credentials, queue, resource management to be managed within the process (once you click Publish – these steps then follow) to either manage directly from the process or to be able to get to the relevant area from the process to easily set up and link together.
There should be steps or actions in the process layer to build the schedule and queue. Once you 'Publish' the process it would then automatically create the schedule and queue. But keeping the option to create and delete queues and schedule manually.
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Raising this enhancement to get option to export HUB Audit Logs into any file format.
We are using HUB 4.6 for BP 7.1.1 Environment.
We require to save the Audit logs into our security system for auditing purpose. HUB 4.6 does not have option to export the logs and we are only able to view the logs on the HUB Web Portal.
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It would be nice to have a way to automate the import/export of Batch Type, DFD, or training data in Decipher, similar to the BP AutomateC command-line utility.
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When developing a Decipher automation, business users may be created, and groups configured specifically for that project. Recreating them in the production environment can be time consuming. I suggest adding a method to migrate specified users, except for the password, and user groups to cut down on the time needed to recreate them in Production.
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The last screen for confirming DB upgrade during BP upgrade should show the DB name that will be affected.
Currently it warns in red: those changes cannot be undone! and I have to enter the password again ... but I cannot verify if my previous specifications of the DB was correct anymore at this stage.
There could be another line close to the lines with the DB versions saying: Affected database: <db name>.
Or it could be added to the password prompt like: Please retype the password for database <db name>.
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Issue observed in: HUB and Decipher
Business Impact: An attacker can connect concurrently with a user without indication that their account has been compromised.
The application allows multiple connections simultaneously with the same authenticated user account. This is demonstrated by logging in with two separate browsers without restriction.
In this case, the application allowed the admin user to sign into the application using two different browsers at the same time.
Supporting Evidence: A high privileged user logged into the application from two different browsers at the same time.
Reproduction Steps
1. In Chrome, log into the application with a high privileged user
2. Perform the same action as step one, but this time using the Edge browser
3. Attempt to navigate to any other page within the application using both browsers.
4. The application does not log the user out of either session
• The application should restrict connections so that a user account can only create one session at a time to the application. This will create a condition that alerts the user that their account has been compromised.
• If there is a business case for concurrent user sessions, then some form of indication should be given to the user that their account may be compromised. This can be done with a message that occurs alerting that there is another login from another location.
• It can also be strengthened by displaying a message indicating the last time a login occurred.
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I am not sure if such feature is available in BP v7 at least I am not aware of it.
The idea is to have a tool that supports the replacement of VBO and sub-process in depending objects. Since the underlying XML is well defined and known it should be possible to create a program, script, VBO that list all objects used by a specific VBO/process and then allows to specify with what this should be replaced.
In theory this replacement could be done directly in DB but might be safer to extract the XML and do the replacement on the file and import it again. (export/import could be done manually). This exp-/import the replacement would be visible in the change history too.
Alternatively it would be helpful to publish the XML definitions so customers could do such a tool themselves.
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It would be nice to have a small table of historic releases in DX for VBO. This may show the date of release, version number, release notes / summary edit: Link to current discussion on this topic: Digital Exchange Updates (general) | Digital Exchange ( Also as mentioned by Wagner Vasconcelos, it would be a great addition to the search function to have the 'change date' as field to search and filter in DX
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Sometimes we need to manually run a process in control room and usually more than once (most of the times because of forgot something). Please create an option, when we right click on a previous run to "rerun" it again. By rerun I mean to start a new instance of the same process on the same resource.
This would make this process much simpler, mostly during the Testing phase where we might need to run the same process many times.
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Allow the insertion of images in studio as a note stages. For example, while developing an application object, we could place a screenshot of the screen we're interacting with next to the navigate stage. This would facilitate debugging, many times we need to fix an object that was not developed by us and we might not be sure which element we should be interacting with.
We could also place an image next to a complex business rule to make it easier to understand.
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Currently there is only manage credential permission in the role and permission wizzard. this provide full access to credential. In an enterprise world, some users require view only permissions.
I have also raised this with support ticket no 276875.
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