Showing ideas with label Blue Prism RPA.
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Submitted on
12:49 PM
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12:49 PM
I want have a calendar option to load the public Hollidays per Default for Germany
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Not Planned
Submitted on
12:49 PM
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12:49 PM
I want the option to comare a copy of a process or Object. Ist not a new version of a Object ist a real copy
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Not Planned
Submitted on
12:48 PM
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12:48 PM
i want filter in the Control Romm by a part of the Tag like *Error 401*
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Not Planned
Submitted on
07:04 AM
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07:04 AM
Right now, licenses are added up and shareable for every Runtime Resource, but it would be nice to be able to control of assignment of license to specific Runtime Resources via schedules because sometimes schedules conflict with each other and it would be better to make sure the assignment of licenses to some schedule.
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Not Planned
Submitted on
12:53 PM
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12:53 PM
If we get the name of the exe or process when we spy the element it will be useful for developers. For Example, if i am working on SAP application and i have to save as a document into PDF, here save as dialogue should be attached with different business object, it is tough to find what is the process name of the save as dialogue. So if we have a attribute or information while spying that what is the process name blueprism is trying to spy it will be very useful for the developers.
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When we run the Process 24/7. We often see exceptions. Some of which are in-frequent in nature but can't be ignored. We know any bad data, dynamic screen elements, pop-ups or slowness etc. can trigger the exception. But the root cause analysis require logs to be enabled and/or WebEx monitoring when logs are not enough. Enabling stage Logging or WebEx are not an easy option for monitoring in-frequent issues as they demand more storage space and other approval/justifications depending on organization protocols. However, having some sort of listener that can monitor the exception and provide series of screenshots for work flow 'Just Before' exception to occur can really speed up the root cause analysis process and make it simpler. We could achieve this by creating external listener that keep an eye on blue prism running session and exception flow. It would be great to have something similar in Blue prism itself.
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When saving logs, I have to select the file format in which I save them. After I've done this ("html," for example), I then have to manually type ".html" on the end of the file name. If I don't do this, Blue Prism removes the file name and path that I've typed so that I have to type it again. I feel like Blue Prism should be able to add the extension automatically based on my file type selection on the page before naming the file. Essentially, it's forcing me to select the file type twice--once via radio button, then again via text box. This is a quality of life or ease of use improvement request, definitely, but one that would prevent frustration when you're constantly having to save, send, and review logs.
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The release manager is good, but not very practical. I my workflow I would find it much easier to be able to right click a process, and the choose "export with release manager". I would then like to be able to include all objects, credentials and all other items to which to process depends. If I don't want to include some part, I'll just deselect that box. As of now, I find it hard to get an overview of which objects (etc.) that I need to export with the process.
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Not Planned
Submitted on
07:33 AM
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07:33 AM
I know that we've changed export format from BP 6.6 to optimize export file. As a IT product vendor, I don't think it's good to delete old export format functions and replace them with new format... Could you please add old export format mode?
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Need to add the feature to allow people to add special weekend days as working days in the calendar. Currently, you can only set the recurring working days and holidays in the calendar. Every year the Chinese government will issue the special arrangements for weekends adjacent to some public holidays like the National Day and Labour Day. For those holidays, the adjacent weekends will become working days in exchange for a longer continuous holiday afterwards. It is called 调休 in China. For instance, in 2019, the National Holiday is Oct 1-7, while Sept 29 (Sunday) and Oct 12 (Saturday) are working days. Missing this feature makes it difficult to manage working days for companies in China. As a workaround, they may need to manage two calendars to calculate the correct working days.
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Not Planned
Submitted on
03:04 PM
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03:04 PM
Allow the middle mouse click and drag functionality as hand tool while editing/viewing processes and objects.
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Right now if any element is not found in Read, Write or navigate stage , an error message is shown like" Unable to perform xxxxx in Step x....". I think if the element not found is automatically highlighted in the application modeler would be a great time saver. I think Open Span has a similar functionality.
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Not Planned
Submitted on
04:45 PM
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04:45 PM
Hi, It will be good to have a configuration setting to avoid runtime resources to look for a connection when they are offline. Currently in Control room these runtime resources shows as "Missing" status when the BOT machine is shutdown or offline for some reason. We are planning to implement a cloud based solution for Blue prism bots to start machine and stop machines automatically. When the machine stops, the relevant runtime resource shows as "Missing". It may help if we have a configuration setting to stop runtime resource to look for a connection in this scenario. Thanks, Manoj
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It would be great to add a simple confirmation prompt before final deletion of a schedule in the control room. As there is no such prompt as of now and the option to delete a schedule is right next to the option to retire or unretire them, this happens quite frequently to our operators.
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With the start of Blue Prism, it is automatically trying to connect to any server set as default in the ComboBox of connections. This behavior is really annoying when working with multiple environments, as the user needs to wait or cancel a connection attempt if it's set to the wrong server. Also, the preemptive authentication of users is not acceptable at all. Preemptive connections should be avoided as the application should only try to connect to a server after the user confirms it Preemptive connections can decrease the performance if the user wants to connect to a different environment Preemptive connections will result in throwing the error "An active connection has been closed forcible by the server" if the same host runs multiple BP Servers, but BP tried to connect preemptively an a wrong port Authenticating users before they even entered their password is also something that should be changed: Authenticating users after they just entered their username is a violation to IT security standards. I wonder how this passed your audits. Preemptive authentication can tell an unauthorized person details about a user's account (like if the user/password expired) even if the user was not authenticated.
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In real time customers are not ready to expose data on public cloud like google or azure, which require the files to be uploaded in public cloud. It will be beneficial if BP platform help to build in house AI solutions easily to avoid extra license cost for the AI, and make the solution secure.
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Needs More Info
Submitted on
03:13 PM
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03:13 PM
It should be possible to apply restrictions not only on folder but on their parents / root of the folder hierarchy. Currently it is possible to create folder and apply restriction but user are able to create their own folders. Those folders can lead to quite uncontrolled environment (who can read/modify for which team). At least it can keep some people busy to remind users and clean-up the structures.
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Submitted on
09:35 PM
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09:35 PM
At any given time, our organization has a large number of developers working within different business frameworks simultaneously in the DEV environment. Thus, our organization relies heavily on MTE to lock down content in the Studio between these different businesses. There are, however, seemingly serious gaps in the extension of MTE to the Unlocking Wizard. When a user wishes to unlock a process, they are presented with the option to "unlock all processes" or "unlock selected processes." Regardless of which of these options the user selects or the content restrictions imposed by MTE and their user role, through the Unlocking Wizard, they have access to unlock ANY of the processes in the DEV environment. This poses a serious problem to any other developers currently working in DEV as it releases the lock their process and forces them to seek alternative methods in order to preserve their work. MTE should be extended to the Unlocking Wizard to prevent users from unlocking processes that they should not have access to per the MTE restrictions imposed by their user role. This would significantly reduce risk in large organizations and protect on-going development work.
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Not Planned
Submitted on
12:47 PM
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12:47 PM
I can at the moment just say i dont want import if the object is still existing, this is not for new objects possible
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Element attributes beginning with "Parent …" allow an identification of elements by considering their context. Unfortunately a rather simple but insecure method of generating this attribute's value has been implemented ("Parent Window Title" in this example): all window titles of all elements that are direct ancestors are baked into a single string, separated by just a space character. If an application has 3 windows with one window being a child to the root window and another window being a child to the child window, the "Parent Window Title" value for the "child-child" window will be something like "SubChildWindow ChildWindow RootWindow <UNKNOWN>". These issues will come with this implementation: 1. Space character can't be used as separators between window titles as window titles often contain spaces themselves. This way it is not possible to separate the window titles anymore. Also, BP seems to just concatenate the titles with additional spaces, resulting in values that have 2 space characters as separators. Hardly anything but wildcards can be used on something like that, which again results in a very unprecise matching. I suggest that a standardized format is used instead of just adding everything to this string and randomly putting spaces between it. 2. adding "<UNKNOWN>" to this string if the window title could not be determined is insecure as this could be interpreted as a real window title. Instead, another solution should be choosen to mark an unreadable title.
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