Showing ideas with label Control Room.
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Hi, we would like to have a search bar on the Control page similar to the one on the Studio page. This will make it easier and less frustrating to find a schedule. Is it possible for you to implement this change for us?
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It would be a great support to developers or support teams if any of the session can be restarted by clicking on previously completed or terminated session. given the machine is available.
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Hi Team, Evaluate the usage of Blue Prism Login agent with Azure Cloud PC with Entra ID using Microsoft Entra joined devices. Current Login agent doesn't support this functionality. Need this feature to work without using ADDS or AD Connect.
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In blue prism, while in control room, it would be great to be able to filter available processes when trying to manually drag and drop one onto an available resource. You can currently filter by resource, but not process, so you are always left scrolling to find what you need.
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There is a search field in Control to find resources but there is no such feature to search for processes. I think a feature for easily finding processes would also be helpful in Control as it helps in Studio
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Hi BP Team, The ability to select and mark multiple queue items as exception. Not having this option was a bit of a surprise. What happens if you need to mark a huge volume of items? I had to already and it took long. The data provided to the queue was bad so I could not retry and didn't have much of an option. There should be an option to make changes to multiple items on a page regardless of the status. Having to do one at a time when you have a large volume items isn't practical. The items also can't remain in a pending state because then the DW will pick them up. Along with that, an option to empty a work queue would also be nice. Having to then select all delete multiple pages of data, if ever needed, can also be unnecessarily tedious. Thank you,
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Hello BP Team, When looking at the logs or navigating through pages, along with the Previous and Next page buttons there should have option to go to last page or skip to a certain page. I've had to skip through 40+ individual pages of log data. This is not the most user friendly. At this point we' have already had examples of 500+ pages. How do we navigate through this and find what we need? It's already an issue internally here that we cannot export any reporting from Next Gen. This has posed a challenge early on with our Next Gen experience. Thank you,
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I believe that creating schedules with multiple servers, where they are executed based on priority, would be an excellent option. For example: I have the BP_2025 robot and the servers: vm01, vm02, vm03, with priority given to vm02. When creating the schedule, I will choose the priority of server availability. If vm02 is occupied, the robot will be sent to vm01. If there is more than one robot with priority for the same server, there should be a field or an ID to determine which execution will be sent. This would make server management much more flexible and drastically reduce costs in cloud environments. Additionally, it would further reduce the incidence of schedules not starting. #ControlRoom
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Would be useful if you could simply filter exceptions between Business & System exceptions. In a similar way to filtering in control room for completed, pending and locked - split Exceptions via Business and Pending. I know this can be completed via Tag filters, however would be a nice simple improvement.
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Hello, We would like a "Post Completion Delay" feature for the Automation Flow. In the Blue Prism Enterprise it is a key function for us for Schedules. Best regards, Patryk
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We are currently able to view exception screen capture using the "Show latest screen capture" feature from the control room. However, when we are unable to view the capture right when it occurred, the screen capture is usually overwritten by the next process that runs on that resource if another exception occurs. As a result of this, we lose the previous screen capture. It would be really helpful to have the previously captured screenshots saved to a path, where we can reference them.
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Hi there, is it possible to implement in blue prism following point : "missed" sessions appearing in the session list when a schedule is skipped. When a process runs for different reasons over the scheduled time , it would conflict with the next process. it would help in monitoring to see ,Even temporary, so that would be easier to reschedule them. thank you. Tim
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Hi BP Team, It came to our surprise after running our first process in Next Gen that there is no actual reporting functionality and/or ability to export data in some form of structured data. For example if I wanted a report using a data range of certain sessions run. Or if I wanted to export all of the queue items in order to see a holistic view of what was completed vs marked as an exception etc. How would one achieve that today? Thank you,
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Hi BP Team, When looking at any process it would be nice to see some indication that a published process has dependencies pending review and need to be published/approved. It can be hard to remember every time you may need to publish new dependencies. So almost like a warning signal, red icon beside the process or anything really that makes it clear to the user that you have a published process that have dependencies that need to published. To go further if it could tell you what the dependencies are and publish them all at once would be cool. Thank you,
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We would like to have more granular control of access rights granted to business objects and processes, where a user can be allowed to execute a process or business object and be able to update the 'Current Value' while in DEBUG mode without the possibility to save Initial Values or the process itself. This is currently only allowed through the 'Edit' permission which would defeat the scope of granting execution permissions only to first line of support.
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Hello, We would like to have a Search Bar for the Queues and the Sessions similar to the Resources. This would make our work a lot faster.
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We have ~100 resources and it would be very helpful to be able to have filter on the current status of VCI in Schedule. eg to activate the filter to only see resources in status 'warning'. This is especially helpful since groups/folder as collapsed by default (which I think is an improvement over previous version). And there is no easy way to disable 'starting private resources when BP UI starts' for all workplaces. When activating this filter, all resources meeting this filter should be shown. If necessary, groups should be expanded to make resources visible.
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