Showing ideas with label Blue Prism RPA.
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Not Planned
Submitted on
11:40 AM
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11:40 AM
Release management is one of the key activity when it comes to manage the processes versions. we create packages and we take release from it as and when required and we need to name the release manually every time with own naming convention. it would be good if an automatic version of the each release can be generated while taking the release prompt a pop up which allows to accept/reject the release version. if accept then create a release with same as process name with version automatically. also the pop up will give a area to add the description to that release, why that version is generated where reason is added to justify it. example: PID_001_Process_Order_Creation i create a package with name UAT_PID_001_Process_Order_Creation similarly for PROD_PID_001_Process_Order_Creation as i need to take multiple releases as and when changes are done, blueprism can just create a release with a version. Example: UAT_PID_001_Process_Order_Creation_0.1 Desc : initial release for UAT UAT_PID_001_Process_Order_Creation_0.2 Desc : bug fixed and changes added as per the business requirement in order status. PROD_PID_001_Process_Order_Creation_0.1 Desc : initial prod release it saves time of the developer and will not mislead if there are too many releases in backup. this automatic versioning will be maintained automatically by allowing auditors to track, when and how many releases are taken and the reason of it by looking into the description and version number. Looking forward to hear back from team on the same. will be adding more details to it if this idea is worth. Thanks
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Not Planned
Submitted on
03:04 PM
Submitted by
03:04 PM
Allow the middle mouse click and drag functionality as hand tool while editing/viewing processes and objects.
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Create the Session Log Viewer as a normal window with maximize minimize functions I cant' even use the windows 10 feate to automatically dock it to a side. Would also be great to save width of coloumns or save the coloumns selection. when I enable or disable a coloumn. It would also be great to have these coloumn functions when in the workqueue overview.
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Under Consideration
Submitted on
10:50 AM
Submitted by
10:50 AM
Would be great to have a hotkey for this because when you have a bug in your process sometimes you are stuck in "step out" so that I only can use the taskmanager to end the automate.exe
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Not Planned
Submitted on
10:07 AM
Submitted by
10:07 AM
Hi, It would be nice to be able to detect and modify the status of a work queue (running/paused) from within a vbo. Also a filter on any kind of "get items" from that queue would come handy, because now you get all the items, even if the queue is in pause. Kind regards, Wim VdV
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Right now if any element is not found in Read, Write or navigate stage , an error message is shown like" Unable to perform xxxxx in Step x....". I think if the element not found is automatically highlighted in the application modeler would be a great time saver. I think Open Span has a similar functionality.
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We need to be able to normally delete (NOT hide, retire or sth like that, but to delete) old business objects and processes without corrupting database
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Needs More Info
Submitted on
05:14 PM
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05:14 PM
Just like it is possible with process logs, it would be great to see an option to added to archive off work queue items. It could be as simple as a tickbox within log archiving to include queue items or (even better) as an entire separate archiving subrouitne, so it can run on separate schedule.
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Not Planned
Submitted on
04:45 PM
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04:45 PM
Hi, It will be good to have a configuration setting to avoid runtime resources to look for a connection when they are offline. Currently in Control room these runtime resources shows as "Missing" status when the BOT machine is shutdown or offline for some reason. We are planning to implement a cloud based solution for Blue prism bots to start machine and stop machines automatically. When the machine stops, the relevant runtime resource shows as "Missing". It may help if we have a configuration setting to stop runtime resource to look for a connection in this scenario. Thanks, Manoj
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Not Planned
Submitted on
09:25 AM
Submitted by
09:25 AM
Help is not being updated with newest release functionality updates and examples
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Extend Action Stage to dynamically call OBJECT/METHOD from a BO Use case: An actor validates medical provider licenses are current. To do this the actor must perform browser navigation to different medical board websites depending on state, provider type and specialty. The same data needs to be scrapped from all the websites (Provider Name, license start date, license expiration date). Classic RPA problem. Check If an Action Stage could dynamically call OBJECT/METHOD from a BO, the maintenance of implementing this could be simplified by flattening this (eliminating decision tree) through tabling an interface implementation. Build a Collection with the following columns: Lookup, Object, Method Stage that calls Collection Manipulation BO to get row by Lookup Column Stage that dynamically calls BO using OBJECT/METHOD returned from look up The next question is how to handle input/output parameters of stages that dynamically call OBJECT/METHOD? Pass one row collections (basically list of name value pairs).
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Under Consideration
Submitted on
04:53 PM
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04:53 PM
The application modeller accepts that different elements in the application modeller of a given BO have the same name. For maintainability purposes, this should be forbidden.
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Not Planned
Submitted on
04:50 PM
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04:50 PM
The BP compare tool (BP 6.5.0) is currently unable to compare the application modeller part.
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Not Planned
Submitted on
04:48 PM
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04:48 PM
While upgrading our BP platform (up to 6.5.0), I have checked the BO provided with the new version with the previous version, for example the VBO MS Excel. After some errors in our customized VBO MS Excel, I have discovered that the BP compare tool doesn't take in account the initialize page. Perhaps the same with the clean-up action.
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Needs More Info
Submitted on
04:36 PM
Submitted by
04:36 PM
The view functionality in the studio is too far limited. If I open a process or BO in view mode, my objective is to open it for READ ONLY purpose. I still want to be able to use all the other functionalities, like using the expression validation, advanced find, and so on. So the view functionality would be more useful as a read-only mode, instead of a no edit mode.
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To be able to tackle performance issues, the Blue Prism log should take in account the duration of each stage. Firstly, the Blue Prism log should display the duration of each stage in the log, not just the 'resource start' or 'resource end'. And as some stages are unseen given the log settings, the Blue Prism log should include at the end, the duration of all unseen stages, and the total duration of the process. Secondly, Blue Prism should include a setting to display a stage in the log if its duration is greater than a defined value (in the system). For example, all stages with duration greater or equal than 30 seconds are displayed in the log, even if the setting in the studio is none or error only.
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I think 2 very important enhancements are required - a) When we rename or change a data item, we have to manually change the old references for those data item in all the stages where it's used.Instead of doing this manually BP should automatically replace the previous references in all the stages. b) Right now we have to manually select all the required process/ Objects/Env var etc while creating a package. There should be a way that either Blueprism drags everything related to a project item or we should be able to visually see the dependencies while creating packages. Regards,
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It would be great to add a simple confirmation prompt before final deletion of a schedule in the control room. As there is no such prompt as of now and the option to delete a schedule is right next to the option to retire or unretire them, this happens quite frequently to our operators.
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Submitted on
10:59 AM
Submitted by
10:59 AM
Would be good to be able to stop all schedules from running so that if you want to halt the system (upgrade, urgent service window) you can stop all schedules from running rather than having to go through them all one by one stopping them. Allow them to end gracefully and then be able to restart them all rather than having to start them individually as well.
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With the start of Blue Prism, it is automatically trying to connect to any server set as default in the ComboBox of connections. This behavior is really annoying when working with multiple environments, as the user needs to wait or cancel a connection attempt if it's set to the wrong server. Also, the preemptive authentication of users is not acceptable at all. Preemptive connections should be avoided as the application should only try to connect to a server after the user confirms it Preemptive connections can decrease the performance if the user wants to connect to a different environment Preemptive connections will result in throwing the error "An active connection has been closed forcible by the server" if the same host runs multiple BP Servers, but BP tried to connect preemptively an a wrong port Authenticating users before they even entered their password is also something that should be changed: Authenticating users after they just entered their username is a violation to IT security standards. I wonder how this passed your audits. Preemptive authentication can tell an unauthorized person details about a user's account (like if the user/password expired) even if the user was not authenticated.
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