Showing ideas with label Blue Prism RPA.
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White building a test suite that will be used for validation and for regression testing , it will be useful after running this test suite to have a kind of code coverage (or Process stages coverage) informations. This code coverage can provide us with statistics like: · % of items in the process we didn’t path through. (it will be a good coverage indicator) · A list of these Items so we can enrich our test and enhance our test coverage. · Number of times we passed in the same path or sequence, so we can optimize our test suite by reducing test without compromising quality. · Object and objects ’actions called during these tests. · Credentials not used, Queues not used, … · …. This code coverage will also help identifying in production what objects are no more used and which paths in the processes we never go through in production.
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This is a feature of the product. The AD Group for the System Administrator is set during the creation of the Blue Prism database and cannot be modified at a later stage. Proposal: If you add feature to allow for the AD group for System Administrator to be changed after the initial configuration.
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Submitted on
04:55 PM
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04:55 PM
Hi, It will be good to have MTE environment implemented for Process dependencies like, Work queues, Environment variables, credentials etc.., Currently it is applicable on Studio for groups and on Control room for differentiate runtime resources. Thanks, Manoj
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Not Planned
Submitted on
11:49 AM
Submitted by
11:49 AM
Moving processes/objects from one group to another (given that we have hundreds of processes/objects), is the most painful process ! he original method, way back in v4?, where you moved them under Process/Object Management option on the System Menu, although not perfect, was much easier. It could really do with a bulk option too.
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Hello Folks, I have a hard time determining which Page is currently being shown when inside a Process or Object in Studio. I recommend that we set the BG Color for the current Page (TAB) in stark contrast to the other Tabs so that it is easily obvious which Page is currently being displayed. Thanks
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Not Planned
Submitted on
09:25 AM
Submitted by
09:25 AM
Help is not being updated with newest release functionality updates and examples
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To be able to tackle performance issues, the Blue Prism log should take in account the duration of each stage. Firstly, the Blue Prism log should display the duration of each stage in the log, not just the 'resource start' or 'resource end'. And as some stages are unseen given the log settings, the Blue Prism log should include at the end, the duration of all unseen stages, and the total duration of the process. Secondly, Blue Prism should include a setting to display a stage in the log if its duration is greater than a defined value (in the system). For example, all stages with duration greater or equal than 30 seconds are displayed in the log, even if the setting in the studio is none or error only.
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When dealing with complex and dynamic HTML pages, it's not always possible to use the Path attribute to identify elements on the page because the path structure can change based on other elements displayed before the field we want to use. Often those HTML elements don't have an ID property (which would allow to spy them quickly) and the use of other attributes combination doesn't always perform well. This could be solved (not always but in many cases) if we could modify the HTML source adding an ID property to that specific element. My suggestion is to provide an action that executes a search&replace on the HTML source in order to give the developer a way to add an ID property to an element and then retrieves the PATH of that element (i.e. “/HTML/BODY(1)/DIV(4)/DIV(2)/DIV(6)/DIV(3)/DIV(1)/DIV(1)/H2(1) ) that can be used afterward with Read and Write stages. I uploaded a screenshot with a possible example of the action parameters. In that example the action would retrieve the PATH string of the element before the label "Popular Broadway Shows".
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It would be really useful for the BP application server to refresh the active directory links within an organisation on a regular basis. Currently, in order to 'flush' through changes to AD e.g. addition or removal of people from groups, you need to click on the 'Apply' button within User Roles. This can cause confusion and delay and is another unnecessary manual step with on boarding / maintain security groups. Thanks
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Not Planned
Submitted on
03:07 PM
Submitted by
03:07 PM
Currently it is possible to import an existing object into a different folder by using the overwrite option. This should not be possible if the user does not have modify rights on the existing object. Scenario: An object is located and read-only folder. A user with import rights can import this object into another folder (eg there is a release file with different structure, single object import targeting into default folder). When he chooses the overwrite option during import, the existing object content is replaced but it seems to be still in the original (restricted) folder. The user can now change his object in his folder (bypassing original folder restrictions). Since the overwrite option created another reference to the original object, all changes will be applied to both objects in both folders. These changes also include delete that removes both objects (even in restricted folder)
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While a Run time Resource is busy running a process it own't take another one. It will be a nice functionality if Que concept is introduced in Product. That way it will execute on First in First Out basis.
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Submitted on
12:55 PM
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12:55 PM
When I add a new action, for example DB ORINOCO - Start > Launch, I would to have the option to automatically name the stage with the Action name actually used: 'Launch' or even 'DB ORINOCO - Start - Launch'. It might be renamed automatically or have like a checkbox: "Rename stage by object used"
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Submitted on
12:53 PM
Submitted by
12:53 PM
Alomost everywhere Blue Prism is using Microsoft Rich Text Boxes for writing text. Especially when editing Expressions, this makes no sense. Rich Text Boxes should be used when targeting non-technical users who want to write a novel because they do two things: 1. They don't use monospace fonts like Consolas or Courrier New 2. They use Microsoft Office style for selecting word/characters Both points are just annoying when writing source code like Expressions. Monospace fonts are a must-have for writing structured expressions like source code and definitely apply as well to BP's Visual Basic dialect that is used in Expressions. The same applies to the selection mode: it has some kind of auto-completion built into it which makes selecting very hard (and annoying). Both points could easily be fixed in minutes by changing the text boxes' style.
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Not Planned
Submitted on
05:15 PM
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05:15 PM
In the system settings of the Blue Prism interactive client there is an option "start a personal Runtime Resource on this machine when users log in to Blue Prism" It would be great if we could just right click on a process in control tab and would have an option like "Run on current Resource". Right now, if a user wants to start a process on his personal Resource he has to lookup his machine in the Resources section. This can be really time consuming.
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Looking out for the ability of automating the Release Package migration (.bprelease file ) in different environment of Blue Prism. Do we have any Utility , API or way we can automate this manual effort of migration.
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Not Planned
Submitted on
01:33 PM
Submitted by
01:33 PM
Our users like the calendar view of the Scheduler\Timetables window but it shows all schedules for all resources making it impossible to actually see what is relevant for users who are interested on their own processes. I would expect the possibility to set custom filters (on resource, schedule / process, ...). Further, future enhancements would be to automatically filter the information based on the rights of the user.
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Not Planned
Submitted on
04:45 PM
Submitted by
04:45 PM
Dears We recolect some suggestions that we think are nice to have: Include a screenshot of the screen in VBO to be able to identify easier which screen is the one being robotized Add the possibility to indicate the proxy address within the REST API and its credentials Execution of exhibited processes / objects by invoking the machine pool or using a balancer (currently it is necessary to know the specific resource to use it) •Report of the VBOs and the screens automated with it •Modification of environment variables through REST interface •Improved search times for elements in applications whose tree is very large, mainly detected in applications built in java. The deeper in the element tree and more inside, the more the performance deteriorates, taking about 2 minutes to find the element. ‘Concatenate’ processes that at the scheduled time cannot be executed if the machine is not available, so that those executions are not lost Improved management of interactive client logs to avoid system out of memory, especially when archiving Alerting: notification via email or other channels KR
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Session log viewer to have filter option to filter specific columns filters, so that's easy debug through log identify. I know search option is available but it's good to have in-built filter to show only filtered data.
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It would be beneficial to set a Lock release time on environment locks. As an example, you set 5 minutes, if after that time the lock hasn't been released the system will unlock it. This would help in instances where the process may freeze while performing actions and the lock then never gets released unless you manually do it in the system settings or the running resource is rebooted.
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The idea is simple. Add wildcard functionality for numeric application elements, such that we can have more flexible elements which can take wildcard numbers in for example ordinals, ancestor count etc. Currently you have to add an explicit setup for numerical elements, limiting you when invoking the element. If for instance you need to be able to search for just the name of the element most of the time, but once in a while would like to be able to use the same element with a specific ordinal, then you currently need to have 2 different application elements, and along with those two elements you need to duplicate the code handling these elements. It would be much easier if we could wildcard these numeric elements and then the function-invoker could determine whether she/he would like to use the numeric element or not. If they supply a * character to the element, then it's the same as ignoring it, as it could be any value, and if they give it a specific value, then the application modeller will only match against that specific value. Sounds like something that should be simple to implement, and at the same time make all our lives easier in the process - Cleaner code for all!
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